That's not much of a joke. Looks like the last time I posted anything was in May. Something about ducks. Well, we don't have any ducks anymore. Nothing much in the way of funny happening around here. Everyone on the block seems to have the summer doldrums. Oh ... my next door neighbor, Hillbilly Ron, still brings home the occasional junk, grinds on it for a few days with his little tool that makes a screeching noise, then gets rid of it. I finally found a way to keep him from stealing the things that I throw out for the trash man. I have a little hand sledge and I beat everything to unrecognizable shit before I set it at the curb.
The little bald headed shrimp on the other side of the street has five cars now. He's single by the way and I have no idea how he keeps insurance on five cars. He drives a different one every day and invariably pulls it into the garage every night and pulls out his hammer and pneumatic wrench and starts flailing away at some part of it. To me, it looks like each one of them is a stock car or a piece of shit.
Most of the reason I haven't written much is that I've been going through chemotherapy for 26 weeks. My last treatment was a week ago and I don't have to go back for two months. Started out with 5 spots and ended up with three. So, maybe with more treatments, I'll beat this thing.
The funniest thing about chemotherapy is ... well, nothing. The only thing is, I seem to be the youngest person there, and I'm 61. So it's pretty depressing looking at all of these older people taking their treatments. Most of them are worse off than I am, so I feel pretty lucky. All I have is fatigue, and the feeling that I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground most of the time. I've been working all week to get my mojo back and I figure I'll start feeling half way normal in a couple of weeks, when the poison starts to wear off.
Oh, and I made a big decision to get completely off social media. I cancelled my Facebook page, my Twitter account and my Linked In site. I decided I didn't like social media. But of course, I'll always keep this blog, so I guess I'm a bit hypocritical.
And that's about it for me. If anything even remotely funny happens around here, or I see something weird, I'll be right back on this thing.
Until then ...
wishing you all the best.