November 07, 2009

'O Thanksgiving Tree ...

Saturdays are always the highlight of my week. I get to sleep in a little without guilt, and after a little cleaning and laundry, Jan and I go out to buy groceries for the week. It's fun for me, because after such a long time of doing it by myself, I get to have company while I hunt around for food. I'm sure Jan would rather not go, but she humors me.

After we get the grocery shopping done, we'll usually bum around for a while, looking for this and that ... sometimes buying something, sometimes not.

Several weeks ago, we had sort of decided that we would get a new Christmas tree this year, seeing that our present tree is over 20 years old and is getting a little thread bare. So today we decided to look for one, before they'd been picked over and we were left with a poor selection. Even artificial trees can get in short supply as Christmas draws near. And we found one that we both liked and brought it home.

I was just going to put it down in the basement until the time when we usually put the tree up, which is the day after Thanksgiving. But as we were bringing things in from the truck, I dropped the box off in the back room, where we spend most of our evenings, and where we had decided to set up the tree this year. After we put things away, I looked at the box and decided to open it to see if everything was there.

One thing led to another, and we ended up putting the tree up and stringing lights around it. On November 7 ... three weeks before Thanksgiving ... seven weeks before Christmas.

A Work In Progress

We'll get the decorations put on it eventually. Maybe we'll do one a day, kind of like an Advent Calendar, only with no chocolate.

Since it's in our back room, no one can see it from the outside, which is good because I wouldn't want anyone to think we were weird or something.

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